The Compass Audit System project

An architecture containing a centralized authentication server and several application servers. Millessence is one of those application: managing technical audits and showing the results.

Compass Audit System image


Working with XTCO, I had to work for Compass groupe. It is a company owning several food chain in France. We were working with the quality team and built several platforms to manage the technical audits of the restaurants. Each food chain has it’s own platform and it’s own user authentication system.

One of the main job in this project was to create a SSO centralized authentication system. Compass as it’s own intranet where users are already authenticated. We had to make our SSO system working by peer with their intranet. That way, the users was coming on the audit application from the Compass intranet without having to auhtenticate.

In the same time, we also built a new audit platform called « Millessence ». This plateform allow granted users to run a technical audit through a questionnaire and see a report of their audit. The questionnaire was handled the Vocaza, a feedback management software and we get the results back via a SOAP web-service. They also can download those reports as PDF document.

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